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To a Mr. Arthur Reynolds,

5 Day 655, 15:28 Published in Austria Austria

Your most recent article, "The Price of Silence", is very flawed and very uncalled for. Allow me to respon😛

A colossal shock erupted wave around Austria when Metallon declared that he would be attempting to become the president for the third

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The Effort at Burgenland

6 Day 655, 01:48 Published in Austria Austria

Responding to Hungary's Congress' decision to reject our offer for Burgenland, an unofficial effort to return the region to Austria by way of a resistance war began a few hours ago. I heard of it first when Minister of Defense Metallon joined IRC

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Oh, the Intensity! Elect Lynari!

0 Day 654, 19:40 Published in Austria Austria

With Metallon now in the running, this election has become even more intense! This is good, though. It's fun for me, it's exciting for voters to see an election with multiple possible outcomes, and most importantly, this is true democracy. I ran

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Lynari, for Thirty More Days of Summer

16 Day 648, 21:33 Published in Austria Austria

Deciding whether or not to run for President this upcoming election has been one of the most difficult decisions I've ever had to make. I spoke to a lot of people, considered my options, and thought about what was best in the interest of Austria.

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An Update

5 Day 645, 13:02 Published in Austria Austria

Lithuania MPP Fiasco**

The MPP was voted down in Lithuania and the President sent back our 30 gold. No harm done except that I still feel like an idiot. 😑

New Citizen Message**

I was told the IRC link brought you nowhere so I changed the

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