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[Ministry of Justice] Constitution of Austria 1.0

24 Day 670, 11:23 Published in Austria Austria



This is the sovereign nation of Austria. The people, of whom elected officials are a part, jointly rule this nation with the nation’s best interests at heart. Austria is a democracy.



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[Ministry of Justice] Constitution Progress

7 Day 669, 09:17 Published in Austria Austria

This past week, a combination of work and illness has prevented me from working too intently on the Austrian Constitution. I apologize for the delay.

Now, when I began it, my thought was that it should be long and elegant, and leave nothing

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A Personal Note

3 Day 666, 13:32 Published in Austria Austria

I am writing to you now so that it is does not exceed ten days that I haven't written - there hasn't been such an interval since May. So no, not being President has not killed me. I feel a bit defeated, but I am still here.

I did not write an

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About Nykoal, Olorum and Metallon

6 Day 659, 12:51 Published in Austria Austria

You are a part of a group so act like one! If you dont want a group spirit you can resign.
- Metallon

If by group spirit you mean that it is illegal to have an opinion other than yours, Metallon, you'll find yourself responsible for … read more »

A President's Farewell and Burgenland

19 Day 655, 23:55 Published in Austria Austria

Let me first say that I am so proud that Burgenland returned while I was still President. For another grand twenty minutes, I will be President of Austria in its entirety. I would have been very disappointed if Burgenland was the only region that

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