Lynari, for Thirty More Days of Summer

Day 648, 21:33 Published in Austria Switzerland by Lynari

Deciding whether or not to run for President this upcoming election has been one of the most difficult decisions I've ever had to make. I spoke to a lot of people, considered my options, and thought about what was best in the interest of Austria.

First, I thought about what other people wanted me to do. I've been told by some people that are very important to me and to my Presidency that I've been President too many times or that they were ready to back another candidate. I was discouraged from running. Should I run as a rebel? I didn't know.

Then I thought about myself, the individual. Did I want to be President? Yes, nothing makes me happier than to be responsible for Austria. Did I think I was capable of being President again? Of course, I'm constantly reminded of this by my supporters, and for this I thank them. Obviously, I can't be President forever - was after my third term a good time to stop? Perhaps, but there is still more work to be done and I want to follow through.

But my contemplation led me to one conclusion: that it wasn't my decision, nor the decision of any other single individual in Austria. This is a decision to be made by Austria as a whole. It is my responsibility as Party President of Rot Weiss Rot to field a qualified candidate that people want to represent their nation and my responsibility as a President and as a citizen to be there for my country if she calls on me.

So I will be on the ballot. And if Austria wills it, I will be President again.

~L, President