To a Mr. Arthur Reynolds,

Day 655, 15:28 Published in Austria Switzerland by Lynari

Your most recent article, "The Price of Silence", is very flawed and very uncalled for. Allow me to respon😛

A colossal shock erupted wave around Austria when Metallon declared that he would be attempting to become the president for the third time in this nation. One who would have felt the shock more then most was Lynari.

Actually, I knew about it a day before he declared his candidacy, and I wasn't even surprised to find out he would run when he told me. I had learned over time that there were at least three candidates he would have rather had President over me, so I knew he was doing to push somebody to run out of IA and it isn't surprising that it was himself.

His expectations were: everyone will vote for me, I’m safe and I’m experienced... he thought we would win; Metallon took him by surprise.

I told multiple people that my prediction was actually that Metallon would win.

“My opponents are campaigning more aggressively than I would have expected." What did you expected? Was it that they wouldn’t campaign, lie down and hand the presidency to him?

No... Karantanec openly insulted me in his advertisement and Metallon sent out private messages to a lot of people in Austria requesting their votes. This is what I meant by campaigning harder than I had expected.

Observing the situation , he realised that there was a chance of victory, then he seized the opportunity and wrote a platform, driving home his advantage.

There has always been a chance of victory for Metallon since the IA arrived. They are his friend, not mine, and they are more organized. He likely received every one of their votes. But he is popular among Austrians, too, and that's what makes him such a strong candidate. As the IA accounts for as many as half of his votes, he probably couldn't have won without the help of the Brazilians. And you mention his platform; his platform is impressive, but it is because it is what is already happening. I'll give examples:

(The bolded portions show how Metallon categorized them.)


So i will writte a guide and send it to all eAustrian so they will know hwo to register and use irc.

I did this already. It is in the new citizen's message.

presidental news should be written in presdental newspaper. Army news in the army newspaper and so on.

We already do this. My newspaper is the Presidential one, Osterreichs Bundesheer is the army one.


We curently have only a q2 weapons company which is mine

It was a surprise to me that he called it his because Austria pays for it.

Nykoal had a nice idea of PM'ing iron company owners or to open an iron company in a foreign land and export the iron to us and i agree with her.

He admits this is Nykoal's idea. Obviously Nykoal is in my cabinet and we've all been exposed to the same of her ideas.


But i dont know much about economy so Olorum will stay as minister. He is doing an exelent job and i think he can do it even better.

So he is going to have Olorum be Minister of Finance, which is already the case.

Foreign Affairs

But more or less we are doing fine.

Health Care

We will bring alla ctive population to Styria and gift them to 40 welness so they can join the war games.

This is already the case.

My point, Reynolds, is that we're doing almost the exact same things, he just bothered to mention them.

This article, like all of your others, is very unimpressive.
