An Update

Day 645, 13:02 Published in Austria Switzerland by Lynari

Lithuania MPP Fiasco**

The MPP was voted down in Lithuania and the President sent back our 30 gold. No harm done except that I still feel like an idiot. 😑

New Citizen Message**

I was told the IRC link brought you nowhere so I changed the link to my article explaining how to connect. When I went back to change it, there was a lot more coding than when I had last updated it - I assumed it did this automatically and that I shouldn't change it. Well, the result is this: I don't care if it is accepted or rejected, I'll be changing it again as soon as I am able. 😛

Indonesian MPP**

If I propose this tomorrow or later today, I intended to. xD


Congratulations to our Congressmen on getting elected, and good luck with your term! I'm impressed by this lot, honestly.

More good news to come. 🙂
