Oh, the Intensity! Elect Lynari!

Day 654, 19:40 Published in Austria Switzerland by Lynari

With Metallon now in the running, this election has become even more intense! This is good, though. It's fun for me, it's exciting for voters to see an election with multiple possible outcomes, and most importantly, this is true democracy. I ran because Austria is ready to have a true election. There is no TO candidate that would win if we split our votes between different Austrian candidates. This is historic. This is a sign that Austria is growing!

That said, I hope I win! My opponents are campaigning more aggressively than I would have expected. It is not within me to insult them, especially Metallon, to whom the credit for my becoming President in the first place belongs. If Metallon won, it would be somewhat symbolic. The first election I ever lost would be to the person who began my political career - how interesting.

But I would like to continue my work as President. I take great pride in the responsibility that it entails and I enjoy working for the nation. The subject that is receiving the most of Austrians' attention right now is Burgenland. This is a delicate issue that I hope to have the opportunity to see through. I read an interview done with Cavalcanti wherein he called my time as President reasonable, but unoutstanding. I can't stand for this. Granted the opportunity, I'll give Austrians something to remember in my last term. You can count on it.
