In a world of terminal and chaos, an inactive guy comes back

Day 434, 18:44 Published in USA Romania by Donovanator

WTF?! I quit for a few hours and I read newspapers on what happened.


You have lost all the money we have been taxed for. Our forums have been sabotaged. Our Government has been screwed over. If we were to be attacked immediately we would have to fight outta full personal power -meaning without funding.

Our Governmental communications have been altered, disrupted, and trashed. (mostly.)

We have been pointing fingers at many people one to use to be the president of the United States.

Our Government is very weak, very unorganized.

We need to regroup, rebuild, and ratify. We need to make sure that we are protected at ALL levels.
In order to do so. We should establish two forums, One for congress, One for citizens. We will make sure that one person and one person only has the password(for treasury as well). We could make it so that the president appoints someone as this position and CONGRESS approves him at a 2/3 majority, and when the next guy comes he will set up the password, and the email address. When that happens next term. The first guy will change the email address to the second guys email, and allow him to change the password.

Do whatever the hell you want to improve. But this is my solution it may not solve it but it'll narrow it down to the people.

I have 2 go I wish I could write more but hey - I am dead.