A full article dedicated what helped make my newspaper legacy. (infomercial)

Day 437, 21:09 Published in USA Romania by Donovanator

For months I have been telling you about parties that you should join for they have paid me to do so. In fact my last line on my first "The Word" was a party supporting line that started this all! So I am giving a full dedication of a newspaper article to what helped me in the beginning............................... ........................................ ................

The Infomercial
Americans have always wanted products at an affordable prices- and our government thinks that we should introduce imports to increase competition, which means you are possibly helping PEACE members,and might be putting another company outta business but by thinking that they (the Government) are the ones in need of money they have decided to increase taxes

The Conservative Party has always wanted products at an affordable price- never by introducing a import-plan that is high-risk, doesn't save or produce jobs, and may cause companies to go outta business- If it goes the way planned, Instead The Conservative Party believes high-tariffs and low taxes to make things affordable by giving you more money since you are taxed less, and are now given more money for your dollar.Of course this might cause inflation but actually by lowering income tax companies will pay the same price but people are keeping more of their money, and it turns out thay by keeping taxes low revenue (eventually from market growth) increases.

They (the government) say "We want you to help us help you" and government thinks that they know how to solve the problems of the economy, and always sometimes to do tricks with taxes.

The Conservative Party says " We want you to help you." and we know for a fact that the free-market works itself out, and if their was a problem it was probably started by the government and not solved by government.

Now I highly suggest you support or join the party that wants to tax you less, make sure that foreign companies doesn't put us outta business. ( That reminds me that it took me 2 days to sell my grain thanks to a Poland company which almost put me and my company outta business.) Or even just vote for Uncle Sam (or Desert Falcon if he runs) in the up coming election.

Donovanator - The head recruiter of "The Conservative Party"