What a REAL conservative believes

Day 428, 17:24 Published in USA Romania by Donovanator

Sorry for those who read the word- I don't have the time right now until the 25th.

Some people claim to be conservative before the "Conservative Party", and act liberal. Some people claim to be liberal and then act as a conservative.

So here it is - if you believe in most of the following you are an eConservative.

The Conservative Perspective on the Government

Conservatives are a little close to the Libertarian orientation.We believe in small government for a great man once said," Government is not the solution, government is the problem" That great man is Ronald Reagan. The Government (Conservatives believes) shouldn't intervene with the economy for it will become stable. The Government should focus funding on military and (in our case) hospitals.

The Conservative Perspective on Taxes

Conservatives are low-tax believers- we do not want to limit the economy. It turns out that if you lower taxes, eventually revenue increases. I tried this on an economic simulator and it worked.

Conservatives believe that income tax shouldn't be high -ever.

Conservatives don't want import tax to ever go lower than income tax for it limits all American opportunities.

Conservatives believe in FLAT taxes meaning they are equal in most cases.

Conservatives think that VAT taxes is equal and fair for it doesn't matter if you are a foreign company or American company, and it doesn't matter who you are.

What you should expect if you elect someone TRULY conservative

~ Lower taxes
~ More money through low income tax.
~ A person who sticks with what he said when he ran.
~ Activity.
~ Fighting strong for REAL beliefs
~ Strong leader (usually)
~ A person who will fight for what he represents and will not cooperate if it is against his values and the place he represents.
~ Someone that feels that it is his duty to preserve and protect the "All-American Way"

(Vote for me Donovanator the Conservative ~TN~)

Why you should join the "Conservative Party"

To push for lower taxes and a transparent government
To fight the "the liberal man" that might try to control you = P

To show that you believe in equal opportunity , and the all American way.

If you believe in a limited government, low taxes, preserving and protecting the "All American Way" join the conservative party today!

Donovanator, The Wanna-be Congress member, and the "Head o' recruitment" of the Conservative Party.