Good Bye Cruel World

Day 432, 18:00 Published in USA Romania by Donovanator

I here to present you my will and testament as I am currently ,without a doubt, quitting Erepublik. I cannot get on daily or hardly even weekly.

My money will go to the Conservative Party & the Nationalist Party.

My business will be sold and the money will go to those parties as well.

My newspaper ,I am announcing, will be going to Navy. He has been my co-worker since the beginning. (Basically I am giving him permission to continue this if he chooses to do so.)

The Reason? I am tired of being asked to get on constantly when I could be working out, wrestling, or just chilling with my friends. I am also actually tackling politics in RL, and succeeding.

Good luck without me,

P.S. I'd like a wiki page about what I have done and accomplished,and/or more.

P.P.S. The reason this is so short is because my time is needed elsewhere.

P.P.P.S It's going to take a hundred days till my person dies.

P.P.P.P.S. I may comeback - who knows?