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eSA - We Need You To Stop The PTO!

13 Day 977, 13:24 Published in South Africa South Africa

To the voters and people of the eSA,

As you know we are under severe PTO threat. The PTO’ers are amongst us under the PPSA in great numbers. It is with regret that I am now forced to ask you all to channel votes to specific trusted players to

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VP is back and has a few things to say...

10 Day 970, 13:04 Published in South Africa South Africa

I am back. Miss me? After the week break I am ready to go again and get back to improving our country. I have a little confession to make, midway through my week away I started having withdrawal symptoms. I missed eRepublik so much. The people, the

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A must read by SamGibz

7 Day 960, 12:55 Published in South Africa South Africa

After much waiting, we are finally in Rising. This however is not what I would like to talk about in greatness. I will try keep this as brief as I can as I know Stryke Blayde has released a ‘lengthy’ article. I urge you vote this up please. Now, if

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And so this is Rising!

9 Day 960, 07:29 Published in South Africa South Africa

What you think?

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Response to Stadler City's amusing article

32 Day 957, 08:14 Published in South Africa South Africa

I am writing a quick response to this article here: (Vote it up for everyone to see as it is so funny!)

This is very quick

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