eSA - We Need You To Stop The PTO!

Day 977, 13:24 Published in South Africa South Africa by SamGibz

To the voters and people of the eSA,

As you know we are under severe PTO threat. The PTO’ers are amongst us under the PPSA in great numbers. It is with regret that I am now forced to ask you all to channel votes to specific trusted players to counter the PTO and to vote the following congress in order to keep the best interests of the eSA. If we do not hold a majority then I expect within days for eSA to fall and come the CP elections we may as well not run as they would impeach our candidates should they win and will have built up a greater voting force. We do not want this do we!

To stop this I have selected 32 players that I deem safe, this means that we can have a 80% majority, and we can focus votes more effectively. I have tried to select potential congress members carefully and without favouring a party or altering the proportion of numbers. Inevitably I could not do this perfectly, but it is the best that can be done given the circumstance.

I am also asking for help from the eSAAF to help channel votes to where we need them and also put some in place ready to vote tomorrow. I hope the members of the eSAAF will be able to support this country by fighting in a different way to how they have been trained.

Come the time I may ask you, the public to do your bit and move to a different region to vote. The eSA Government are offering to supply your moving tickets to the region and back if you should wish. Moving tickets will be available from the eSA Ministry of Tourism.

So here are the Official Candidates (Don’t vote for anybody you don’t see on this list if you want the eSA to live on):


Thank you for your co-operation, I think that with YOUR help, we WILL pull through in our time of need. More information will be provided during the day. If you can help and don’t have eSA citizenship, please contact me. All help will be gratefully appreciated. Remember EVERY vote counts so do not think that you are not important.

Vice President

*** UPDATE😨 Now 32 Approved Candidates!