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More disturbing words about SEES in eSA

14 Day 984, 05:16 Published in South Africa South Africa

Here is">another conversation, this one I was part of, that was said in the name of SEES that I find distrubing and why we should

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The real SEES - a must read!

19 Day 983, 15:06 Published in USA USA

This article is to expose what SEES really is. I approached my short investigation with an open mind. I hoped that it really was trying to do the right thing, the wrong way. If its heart was in the right place, I am willing to work with it. I have

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The real SEES - a must read!

9 Day 983, 14:57 Published in South Africa South Africa

This article is to expose what SEES really is. I approached my short investigation with an open mind. I hoped that it really was trying to do the right thing, the wrong way. If its heart was in the right place, I am willing to work with it. I have

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Thank you for making me President!!!

11 Day 980, 09:07 Published in South Africa South Africa

I would just like to that you for making me your President. I never though I would be saying this but I would like to thank the PTO’ers for making my dream come true. I have always wanted to be the President of this great nations and after losing

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12 Day 979, 02:08 Published in South Africa South Africa

By now it is clear that the 4th republic has fallen and I feel that it is my failure that has ensured it. I should have done things differently to begin and I was unable to be here in the last remaining 5 hours. You all looked to me when I took on

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