VP is back and has a few things to say...

Day 970, 13:04 Published in South Africa South Africa by SamGibz

I am back. Miss me? After the week break I am ready to go again and get back to improving our country. I have a little confession to make, midway through my week away I started having withdrawal symptoms. I missed eRepublik so much. The people, the responsibility and the daily routines and challenges. I wondered how things were going and so forth. It is seems a lot has happened since I have been gone. I have learnt a little of what has been happening which I will comment on further in this article. I firstly ask you to inform me of anything else that may have happened that I miss...

Budget - This is currently going through voting. I hope it passes as I agree with it entirely. I hope that people will stick to the ban on Ads. They waste gold and cause more trouble than they are worth. The are also a risk to our security. MPP’s are a loss but they are not detrimental and frees us to improve the eSA in better ways and ironically make us better placed to defend ourselves.

War Module - This is as I am sure you know out on day 972. This is a big thing. I think that the eWorlds economies will start to sort themselves out once battles are under way. It is important that we prepare ourselves for any threats. It I feel is a strong likely hood that we will be attacked. There however should be no need to panic. It may not happen and if it does, I am certain we can see off an attack.

PTO - I have learnt of the attack. There is not much for me to say except yes there are PTO’ers in congress, but there is nothing that PTO’ers can do until congress or CP elections. Stop panicking and lets fight them together.

Unrest in the eSA - I am disappointed at every single one of you who have decided to be involved with this childish behaviour. To name call, bicker or whatever, puts you in par with each other. I as nicely for those who are done with the eSA, to leave us alone. For those arguing with the people to shut up and ignore them. For us to work together an put things right. To settle all disagreements. To not bring religion or outside politics into the game - you say not to do such things yet you do. Those who are in the wrong, you know who you are and I ask for you to sort yourself out.

I am saddened to see the resignation of some of the best people in cabinet because of such things. Because of your own doing the eSA is falling apart. If we work together it will not. If we bicker and squabble then you will be seen in poor light and will not achieve anything.

Let us move on. I do not want to see anything of this topic brought up again - understood? It is to be dropped immediately. There is not point arguing over who should or should not be banned. If you think they should be banned, ignore them and their comments. If not.... you know. There is no point to this endless nonsense.

There is also no need to slag any player off. Many of whom are becoming more and more distant from the eSA. It makes us all seem pathetic. It is the people who make a good country, and currently, on that bases alone, we are appalling. Lets get our act together... come on.

I apologise that I may have not explained my point or used the best wording or repeated myself.

I hope we can build a stronger eSA.

Vice President