Response to Stadler City's amusing article

Day 957, 08:14 Published in South Africa South Africa by SamGibz

I am writing a quick response to this article here: (Vote it up for everyone to see as it is so funny!)

This is very quick but there are somethings that make me smile to much on the pathetic attempt made.

1) This is my first attempt running for President so I do not understand the quote “For how long are we going to let them rule uncontested?” Maybe you referring to my previous positions in Government. Well I have worked hard and not abused my power. I do as the people would like.

2) How people who write the comments below all hide behind their Organisations.

3) What happen to poor Stryke Blayde? I am sorry he has been left out. If anything, I would have thought that he would be listed before me as he has previously run for President.

4) He is going to make us a friendly inviting community where we are eWorld known already for being so.

5) Even one of his presumed supporters do not thing he will succeed.

6) I bring 2 quotes; “Political Agenda” and “New ideas should been being able to heard!” Yes he wants to hear you but he is not going to listen to you this implies.

Exclamation over. Vote SamGibz of Stryke Blayde come election day to ensure this Bafoon of a man does not get in!

Writing in disbelief.