A must read by SamGibz

Day 960, 12:55 Published in South Africa South Africa by SamGibz

After much waiting, we are finally in Rising. This however is not what I would like to talk about in greatness. I will try keep this as brief as I can as I know Stryke Blayde has released a ‘lengthy’ article. I urge you vote this up please. Now, if you can cast your minds back a couple of days, it was the Country Elections, which seems ages ago to me.

I wish to congratulate Stryke Blayde on becoming our President. It became clear early on to me that he will lead the election, whilst I admit I was not disappointed, I was not heart wrenched as I know that he would also be more than capable of leading our country. Thankfully I was voted in 2nd, I know that this was down to the help of our Minister of Security and others involved. We can now for a moment and pause in the knowledge we are safe.

I would like to thank all those who voted for me and supported me throughout my campaign, Grimstone, Mulderpf, Mark Morcom, LiquidIce to name a few. There are many of you. I would also like to thank the support of Stryke Blayde whom I was nearly always talking to and supporting each other, particularly mid way through when we had an increased PTO threat. I would like to thank Mulderpf again in a different capacity, that of Minister of Security for doing an excellent job.

It is within great honour that uphold the position that Stryke Blayde has bestowed upon me this term, Vice-President. I will do my best to support Stryke Blayde throughout this term and help ensure the Ministry’s are performing. I thank his kind words spoken in his article.

It is a difficult time we enter now due to economic reason, PTO threats and military threats. There are many difficult choices and decisions that we must make. We also have ‘V2’ or ‘Rising’ to contend with. Yes it is different, but I urge you to not resist the change but welcome it. Many people dislike Rising not because of anything in particular but because it is different or because of the bugs. I think you should keep an open mind until you become accustom to all the changes and once some of the annoying bugs are fixed. Only then can you make your mind up. In any case, it is here to change and so we must get on with it.

Thank you for voting for me again for those who did, thank you to all those supporting me and thank you to all of you who made this a safe and democratic election. I will write about Rising again (sorry). Thanks for reading

Vice President