Congress Mandate Review

Day 520, 17:02 Published in India South Korea by Ambrose Didymus

With one day left in the current mandate, it is worth reviewing what congress has implemented in the past month.

Proposal to reduce Grain tax - Passed 8 votes to 0
Proposal to reduce Iron tax - Passed 7 votes to 1
Proposal to reduce Gift tax - Passed 9 votes to 0
Proposal to reduce House tax - Passed 5 votes to 1
Proposal to reduce Wood tax - Passed 5 votes to 1

Donate 114 ARS to Indian Government Bank - Passed 5 votes to 1
Donate 1448 PKR to Indian Government Bank - Passed 8 votes to 0
Donate 206 FIM to Indian Government Bank - Passed 9 votes to 1
Donate 32 ZAR to Indian Government Bank - Passed 4 votes to 0

Thank you congress members for passing these measures. I hope the next congress continue to reduce taxes and build up gold reserves through the Indian Government Bank.

Congress Elections

This publication wishes candidates all the best for the upcoming congress elections. Blazed has a tough job choosing only ten congress members from such an active and diverse group of eIndians.

After reviewing candidate presentations, this publication can find no-one better than Shail.back to endorse to become a member of congress.

His obvious passion to improve eIndia and focus on boosting the economy through community programs serves as a fantastic example for our republik.