New eIndian Congress Passes Poor Policy

Day 523, 18:50 Published in India South Korea by Ambrose Didymus

I had hopes that the well thought-out and coherent responses Robert Knotsworth is known for (both in-game and on the eIndian forums) would translate to well thought-out and coherent proposals.

These hopes were dashed today when Robert proposed what can only be described as a puzzling policy change.

The Change

Raise Import Tax of Houses from 20% to 60%

His Reasoning

* We have plenty of housing available in eIndia

* Foreign housing vendors will still sell their product in eIndia at a 60% markup

The Reality

* We have 2 housing companies who have made a total of 0 houses available for sale in eIndia

* We have 0 foreign vendors interested in selling their product in our republik

The Problems

* Why is housing the target of the first proposal? Surely an industry that has only ever seen 1 sale should be one of the last industries that receives interest from congress

* If the purpose of this change was to promote local investment, why wasn't the Income Tax or VAT lowered?

* If foreign vendors aren't interested in selling their product in eIndia with a 20% import tax, why would they ever sell when it is raised to 60%?

* Nine congressman have voted yes to this change.


This proposal will do nothing to boost the local economy, it only makes sure that no foreign housing company will ever sell their products in eIndia. So, in order to get a cheap house, citizens will simply move to another country to purchase one or buy off the black market to avoid taxes all together.

This was not a change to boost the local economy at all, it was a change to raise the already high barriers blocking competition in our marketplace.

Thank you logomaster who is the only member of congress who showed any common sense when discussing this proposal.