eIndia Congress Passes Wood Tax Proposal

Day 517, 21:10 Published in India South Korea by Ambrose Didymus

In another five-to-one vote, congress has agreed to lower the Income Tax in the Wood industry to 1%. This means both the Iron and Wood tax rates are now aligned with each other.

This comes as good news for Mahalaya Sandalwood's 13 employees who will now take home more money after each day of work. The tax change also lowers the barriers of entry into the marketplace for other "wood-be" investors.

Congress Elections - Editorial

With four days left before the congress elections, I cannot find a clear candidate to endorse.

Relative newcomer to eIndia Robert Knotsworth has demonstrated a clear ability to think through the issues facing eIndia.

Political behemoth logomaster304 has arrived in eIndia, and could supply some strong direction for the country, but having been in the republik for 2 days may not deserve a treasured spot in the Lok Sabha.

Pheenic has a clear desire to help eIndia, but I believe raising the minimum wage is a misguided policy.

At the moment two former Ambrosia Travel employees Dinky007 and Niks are my favoured candidates. I would be interested in seeing more from them in terms of policy before I go to the voting booth though.