General Welfare & The Role of Government - Part 1 of 5

Day 524, 19:32 Published in India South Korea by Ambrose Didymus

This is the first in a series of five short articles about the role of government in eRepublik. Please subscribe to this publication so you are notified when the next article is released. If you don't like reading short articles, the entire article will be released in a single compilation after the fifth article is released.

Each republik in The New World is made up of citizens with their individual beliefs, desires and intentions.

Some want to become successful businessmen, others simply want to entertain or enlighten their fellow citizens and others still aim to become great military fighters.

The citizens who take part in the political process are elected to promote the General Welfare of their fellow citizens. This is a noble goal, however attempting to implement this simple objective is more difficult than any other in this virtual world. The result of which is often petty bickering over ideological differences.


The second article in this series will define exactly what "General Welfare" is and what it means for good governance in eRepublik.