Why Can't the Danes Stop Laughing?

Day 287, 13:36 Published in Sweden Sweden by Grev Per

A mysterious occurrence happened in the Swedish occupied territories of former Denmark earlier this afternoon. Social scientists are still unsure as to what has caused this jovial development in Danish culture. You see, since around noon when most Danes were on their lunch breaks, or their "15 min allocated period of eating a nutritional food supplement" at the Swedish Koncentrationslejr (Concentration Camps, however due to a simple misunderstanding of the name, the Swedes have been forcing the concentration camp prisoners to solve SUDOKU puzzles and crosswords. Those who are not fast enough get gassed. Sick), back on topic, since around noon the majority of the Danish population have been laughing uncontrollably.

An interview with a professor of Collective Social Behavior is quoted as saying "It is quite common for groups of people to get giggle fits together. But this is usually started by one spontaneous individual and is spread in succession. What we see in Denmark is that several of these giggle fits started almost simultaneously while people were having their lunch breaks. And that it happened sometimes with great geogrpahical distance between the various groups."

Expert on Danish culture, Skinke was asked to explain why so many Danes are laughing. Through fits of giggles and awkward attempts at stifling said giggles, Skinke was able to point towards a headline of respected newspaper Ekstra Bladet, which described the Swedish Secret Information Agency, also known as "Swedish Intelligence." Holding his belly through jolly fits of laughter Skinke is quoted as saying "Svenske intelligens, der er da ikke nogen der tror på det!"