Nu Sidder Madsens i Assens og Tænker, for tanker kan ikke lægges i lænker

Day 285, 17:52 Published in Sweden Sweden by Grev Per

Dear Friends

The elections are nigh. The general elections of Sweden.

Never before has the political atmosphere of Sweden been so beneficial for the cause of Danish sovereignty. The larger parties have all decided (much to my chagrin) that they don't really want Denmark in their territories after all. Well that's certainly something I'm sure the majority of us can appreciate.

My eye on Swedish politics has been a bit unsteady as of late, however from what I gather both the Libertarians Gathering Sweden and the DNS both support the cause of Danish independence. As does the second largest party in Sweden, the Militant Socialist Labor Party. Before I have encouraged a rather haphazard strategy of voting, targeting the worst parties in Sweden in the hopes that they would ruin it.

This strategy is no longer a service to us. Now when the tide is changing it's time to change our tactics to fit a more modern reality. We shall support the political parties that support Danish independence. And for the next election I would like these parties to put forth their suggestions as to how they envision a free Denmark. When we have this information friends, we will judge which party is most beneficial for the cause of a future Denmark, and naturally we will throw our weight behind them.

This election I have joined the Polish Secessionist Front. Only for a day, and only to boost their numbers so that they can make it into the top 5 party barrier. I am undecided whether or not I will vote for them, since I'm a bit uncertain where they stand with regards to Denmark. However I am glad to support them and give them the opportunity to enter the Swedish parliament. The occupied peoples must stand together naturally.

In fact among the pro-Danish parties, I am uncertain who I will vote for. If some of their representatives wish to make a case as to why I should vote for them, I'll consider it.

In this case, I'm glad that it was Sweden that occupied us. The occupied peoples of Norway have not faired as well I fear. However it appears that our brothers the Finnish will soon take power. Naturally when an establishment sees the rise of an unwanted element, they rob from them what they can. Similar to when the Swedish suddenly made a rule expelling mayors from the round table when I became mayor, the Norwegians have confiscated all the gold from the state coffers. oh my!

Of course none of this really means much because even if they do gain power Denmark can't be free due to the ridiculously slow development of this game. It's selfish of me, but I dearly hope that the programmers, and the people who work on Erepublik might consider a possible proposal for freeing Denmark. We have been ludicrously loyal. 🙂