Danskmandbashi - A Call to Arms

Day 284, 16:30 Published in Sweden Sweden by Grev Per

Copenhagen, Denmark

I am shocked that I still get PM's from new danes and sympathizers who want to aid Denmark. It's just strange since I am no longer leader of the party, nor do I hold an political office anymore. Perhaps I truly am father of all Danes?

Either way I got a PM recently saying that I should help organize a Danish brigade in the Swedish army.

Yes you read that right. Of all the Qvisling Frikorps absurdities that takes the cake. In fact it was such an absurd and outrageous idea that I've decided we really should reorganize the Danish resistance army. Not that I intend to do any fighting as that isn't possible. But to show that numbers are hearts and minds still count for something in a country that has lost both their minds and their hearts, and are losing numbers too. (that country is Sweden if you are too thick to have understood that.)

I would like to take a second to invite all Danes and all Danish sympathizers to join this website, [a url=http://www.erepublik.dk]EREPUBLIK.DK[/a] and the National Resistance party, DGIN (Danish German Independence Now!). We will be discussing a name change on those forums. Furthermore I would encourage Ph03nix to change the link name in our party description to this.

It's time to show the Swedish menace that we will not lose our minds, even when we are surrounded by the mindles. We will keep making awesome patriotic videos and insulting Swedes. Because that's our patriotic duty!