Swedski Jebani - Thoughts on Nationalism, Independence and Unity

Day 273, 18:56 Published in Sweden Sweden by Grev Per

Sorry Poles, I am just guessing that that's the word for Swede in Polish, honest to God I have no idea. Kurva!

This party, the Danish - German Independence Now Party is going to be reformed. Seeing as the Swedish occupation of Polish lands is more or less complete. I know that you Poles probably look at the Germans as if they were fools. In fact we did too when the German President was so certain that Sweden would never invade Germany. And I can understand that you simply don't want to cooperate with them. However we have to accept the fact that we have a common goal, or a common enemy.

The Swedish menace. We need to unite all the occupied peoples of the brutal Swedish imperialism in order for us to gain any influence in the Congress. We need to end this farce of a democracy and we need to fight for our rights. To do so divided is not only foolish, but a complete waste of everybody's time. Fight the Germans once we have our independence, not now. Perhaps we should call the party Solidarnost?

I'm fully aware that nationalism can be a dirty word. However the survival of our nations depends on fashioning and crafting a form of nationalism. If people don't care about their e-nation, why should they care about independence? This is of course up to the leaders of the individual nationalities and the citizens of these nationalities themselves.

There is no greater tool against fighting a foreign army on your own soil then appealing to the nationalistic instincts of your citizens. Nothing is a greater violation of a nation than unwelcome foreign soldiers. Nothing is more insulting to Denmark then these moronic Swedes bringing their idiotic media section to E-Denmark, nothing was worse for the Danish economy then the continual economic-masturbation politics of the Swedish presidency.

I believe it is a fundamental flaw of this game (fortunately it is in the beta stages so perhaps this will be changed) that a country can lose all it's territories. Some countries that had a small citizenry, little culture and little institutional strength perhaps don't deserve to survive. I am not to judge. However to this day Sweden has never matched Denmark in the construction of a cultural architecture. To this day a country 1/20th the size of Sweden was able to be far more interesting, was able to consistently write better articles, and was able to create a culture beyond econ-stat-wank. So how is it just that a country with more weapons can rob this game of such a rich nation?

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the individual Swede. Well some of them. My quarrel is with the Swedish nation. There was never a more worthless nation of collective button clickers. It is a hallmark that Sweden is no longer the largest nation. It is a blessing that Sweden is in decline.

Now nationalism must be fostered. For Denmark nationalism fed the longest resistance the world has ever known. Of course it doesn't do wonders. Even I got tired of still being in Sweden. I got tired of the Swedish peoples monopoly on power. I got tired of the Swedish chauvinist attitudes towards Danes. However it does amuse me that I can still rile them up.

I appeal to the sense of reason of the Swedish state. It's time to let Denmark go. How shallow a victory when all you gain is a few pixels on a map? What else did you wan to accomplish? Mr. President, it's time to ignore the cries of the ignorant Swedish masses. Denmark has no strategic importance to you, it has no economic importance to you, all we want is our own independence. Don't listen to the childish ravings of your population. They will never learn. Go invade Norway or something.

p.s. going on vacation tomorrow for 6 days.