Most Charitable eCanadians?

Day 467, 08:20 Published in Canada Canada by Dominik

As I'm hoping you all know, I run a little charity called CAF-CO: that supports our fighting men and women. Many have donated generously including veterans donating large sums or new players donating the little they have. A few people's large donations of GOLD have been extraordinary. A few individuals' donations I'd like to point out:

Shugo has donated 15 GOLD to CAF-CO and a number of items. Dominik has donated over 100 CAD in addition to 5 GOLD, weapons and foreign currency. Banach has donated high quality weapons and moving tickets. The CSD has donated 5 GOLD. Sanika Jameson also donated 6 GOLD.

Others that have spared quite a bit for CAF-CO include JT Vanguard, Tamas Dzsudzsak, Someone Else, Antio Fontaine, David Eastcorner, Coda and Bruck among many others.

The Charity is, so far, a huge success. Help the CAF. Donate to CAF-CO today: