Thank You, My Supporters!

Day 472, 09:07 Published in Canada Canada by Dominik

Hello Canada, this is Dominik, President of the Royal Feudalist Party and one of yesterday's candidates for Prime Minister. I wasn't having any delusions of grandeur when I entered the race, but was positively surprised at the number of votes I received. I'd like to thank everyone for considering me as their choice for Prime Minister. I'd like to thank my greatly supportive party, especially John Wilkmot and Alexander Rearden for giving me advice on my platform and Josh Taggart for being particularly supportive and giving me advice all the way. I'd like to thank Miloslav and the Bloc Populaire du Quebec for their support and also Keneto and New Canada Fun for theirs. I'd like to thank the Uraczak-led CHAOS party. I'd especially like to thank everybody that voted for me.

Congratulations to Bruck for his win in the election and thanks to him for letting me keep my Ministerial portfolio. I am looking forward to cooperating with the Bruck administration and introducing my ideas and suggestions to make Canada a better place.

What are my plans? I hope that the other parties will consider the RFP to be serious competition from now on. Our main focus will be on the congress elections now, and I'm hoping we can get some serious representation. We will continue pushing our ideas- for a Canada that doesn't have war as the only pastime.

Join the RFP!:
Not only for a better eCanada; but for a better eRepublik!