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[PRE] Pledge your Congress winnings to the Government

16 Day 550, 18:41 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Just like last time, anyone wanting to pledge their Congress Gold winnings to the Central Bank can either comment on this article or PM me. I will post your name up shortly with the amount pledge. Please remember that we need the Gold to organise a

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[PRE] Our Q5 Hospital

8 Day 550, 18:40 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Dear people of Malaysia,

As you noticed, we acquired our first hospital just a few hours ago.

We would like to thank the Croatian ex-President Roby Petric for enabling and facilitating this. We have had negotiations and talks with many

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16 Day 549, 23:53 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

....our Q5 hospital!

Come and visit us at at Just go to'> and type in your username, then type /join in the command prompt.

Someone bring the beer (and

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[PRE] Check this out

14 Day 549, 15:35 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Hey you guys.....

Check this out

Cool right? 😛

Will post more on the subject later. Got to run!


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[PRE] What do you want us to do?

10 Day 545, 23:46 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Essentially, the title.

The eMalaysian scene has been quite quiet as we are still waiting on our Q5 hospital.

But in the meantime, what would you like the eMalaysian government to get done, because I, for once, am out of ideas.

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