[PRE] Our Q5 Hospital

Day 550, 18:40 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Vikta

Dear people of Malaysia,

As you noticed, we acquired our first hospital just a few hours ago.

We would like to thank the Croatian ex-President Roby Petric for enabling and facilitating this. We have had negotiations and talks with many different companies and countries, and had many hours of talks. All seemed to fail, but it was this man that came to our rescue. So for that, we thank you, Roby Petric and Croatia.

Currently, we are in the process of organising training wars with either PEACE, ATLANTIS or Thailand, so stay tuned for more news on this. I will be releasing an article asking for pledged from Congressmen shortly, as this Gold will be needed for the training wars.

Also, the government, through the social office will release several tutorials on how to use this hospital to gain wellness. Please stay tuned for that.

I have also instructed several of the relevant Ministers to start promoting Malaysia overseas, so that we gain more citizens and our economy can recover.

Thats all from me now, folks!