Ambient on/off


14 Day 533, 00:14 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

I was ready to concede when Nagyzee was like 20 votes ahead.

And I went to work and ignored the results.

I come back and...........OMG WTF HAPPENED?

(Malaysia, I will address you as a nation later, but for now, I'm still too shocked to

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Vikta's Presidential Policies

6 Day 530, 17:49 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Its Presidential Election time tomorrow, and Nagyzee and I are running for the post. I believe both of us are equally capable for the job, so Malaysia will be in good hands regardless of who wins. I will have a Presidential update or address at

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Vikta's Proposed Cabinet

21 Day 529, 17:54 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

My policies can be found here

Proposed Cabinet:

Executive Leaders
President: Vikta
Vice President: Nagyzee
Chief of Staff: Gustavius

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Vikta will be running for President

10 Day 527, 21:11 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Lets sober up for a moment (Dirty Harry, put down that gin and tonic and stop starting bar fights! 😛), because I, Vikta, would like to announce that I will be running for the office of the President of the Federation of Malaysia. I humbly ask you,

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We rock :D

3 Day 527, 17:28 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Thailand 364 (fights) 17263 (damage done)
Malaysia 398 (fights) 29157 (damage done)

Thailand 323 (no. citizens) … read more »