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[PRE] Malaysia, get ready for your first Q5 hospital!

10 Day 540, 03:34 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Negotiations are almost finalised.

Our very own Q5 hospital!

Training wars are also being organised

Yay for us 😃

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[PRE] Come join us on IRC!

5 Day 537, 01:12 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Lately our IRC channel has had quite a lot of activity. I encourage all of you to come to our IRC channel. If you are shy, just lurk 😉

How to join
1. We operate on on rizon, if you know what I'm talking about, stop reading and go

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5 Day 535, 23:36 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

People of Malaysia!

Sign up to join the army here:

This is an order! (joking! or am I....?)

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[PRE] An Update on the Government's Status

3 Day 535, 00:42 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

My fellow Malaysians,

I have been pretty busy in real life, so I apologise beforehand for not updating you on the status of the government.

The senior cabinet has been established, while the junior cabinet is also in the process of being

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[PRE] Malaysia's Senior Cabinet

6 Day 534, 05:03 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Malaysia, I am honored to be given the opportunity of serving as your President. Hopefully I won't follow the earlier trend and get to serve out my full term.

I'm sorry I cannot appoint my previous proposed Cabinet, as after discussions with my

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