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I urge a media gag on the merger until Nagyzee returns

13 Day 578, 05:10 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

After careful consideration, it seem inappropriate that I talk to Singapore president John Jay in the absense of Nagyzee. Therefore, I will not talk to him before Nagyzee returns. When Nagyzee returns, I will ask him for instructions to proceed on

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Merger? Don't look at me

24 Day 578, 02:30 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Singapore Malaysia merger rumours have surfaced again.

Due to the fact that I was that evil b*stard that proposed it the last time, people are looking at me.

Don't look over here folks, 'cause this b*stard hasn't done anything yet.


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Overseas Chinese Diaspora Express Outrage At West Korea Naming

21 Day 575, 19:53 Published in China China

Now, I'm not here to judge whether one side is right or wrong, whether one side is evil or good, whether one side is a thief or not. I am not passing moral or ethical judgments on either side.

What I want to say is that renaming a proud and

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Will you be my eFiance?

24 Day 566, 08:55 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

I'd admit.
I was shocked when you first told me it.
That you loved me during our first meet.

I was shocked.
I was surprised.
I don't even remember what I said or did.

But then I felt the love.
When you said you would move to Malaysia.

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Will you be my eFiance?

13 Day 566, 08:53 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

I'd admit.
I was shocked when you first told me it.
That you loved me during our first meet.

I was shocked.
I was surprised.
I don't even remember what I said or did.

But then I felt the love.
When you said you would move to

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