Day 549, 23:53 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Vikta

....our Q5 hospital!

Come and visit us at #erepublik.my at rizon.net. Just go to rizon.net/chat.php and type in your username, then type /join #erepublik.my in the command prompt.

Someone bring the beer (and cordial for those underaged). I'm bringing the fireworks. Only the best fireworks will be brought. DirtyHarry can bring his gin and tonic but no bar fights allowed 😛

We could see lots of miracles, including neppons and Gustavius making up by making out. So keep an eye out for the special events!

Music will be Negaraku accompanied by Tchaikovsky's Overture 1812!

And then, at the end, we will have a countdown to our FIRST Q5 HOSPITAL!

LETS PAR-TAI!!!! 😃 😃

Vikta, your ecstatic president.