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Mix of old I&W backup and new stuff

[I&W] Move to Brussels or Wallonia

27 Day 707, 01:30 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

I think an attack on Brussels and Wallonia will come soon and to make sure that we make it as expensive and hard as possible for those Americans, Polish and Romanians I want to ask every I&W member and all other party members to

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[I&W] Congress Election in Flanders and the UNL

24 Day 706, 08:42 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

I&W had 14 candidates that were going to go for congress this month. When we lost the RW in Flanders, AndreasIssakson, Deviltje, Osxy, Thanatos_NL and cruwdy moved to Flanders in the last minute to prepare our ATO there. So we had 9 candidates

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[I&W] We Need You

12 Day 701, 02:37 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Another congress election is coming up which means it is time for Iron & Wine to show its strength once again. Last month we did great this month we will do amazing!!! In order to be amazing we are going to need everybody’s help again.

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7 Day 698, 08:40 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Well, I want to start by thanking you all for making me (again) Party President of Iron & Wine. Thank You All!!! Also my thanks to Taubus Magnus for being such a good opponent. He has pmed me to let me know he wants to help with the upcoming

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[I&W] Minister of Defense Vanouze

20 Day 695, 05:47 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

As many of you might remember i asked a question in one of my last articles ( The question was: How many this time? Well I am about to answer part of that question.

First I

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