[I&W] Minister of Defense Vanouze

Day 695, 05:47 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Kixtart

As many of you might remember i asked a question in one of my last articles (http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-i-w-how-many-this-time--964149/1/20). The question was: How many this time? Well I am about to answer part of that question.

First I want to ask everybody what, in your eyes, it means to be minister? Why would you like or not like to be minister? Is it for the fancy title or the position of power? Or is it for the good of the country and because you want to help make this country a better place?

We have a new government and to my surprise (as many of you were also) the people in charge had decided to use Vanouze as the Minister of Defense (MoD). Let us discuss and see if that was a wise decision or a wrong one.

Erepublik is based on fighting wars and it is more than half of the fun. So the MoD is an important position because he is the one preparing the UNL for war and co-ordinates with our allies. The following is a quote from the Dutch Constitution that is still used by most as we still do not have an UNL Constitution:

“[Article 17]D. The following ministries have a fixed position, meaning they cannot be removed and their posts must be fille😛 Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken, Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, Ministerie van Economische Zaken, Ministerie van Defensie.”

So being MoD is very important, that person is responsible for keeping in touch with Peace and supporting them when necessary. So you can imagine Kixtart’s surprise when he found out that our MoD wasn’t even registered on the PEACE forums. So first he contacted Andreas who was also unable to figure out what Vanouze was doing so Kixtart posted a question to the Mo😨 http://www.enetherlands.nl/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=2419&start=10 on Monday the 12th. Until today, Thursday the 15th, Vanouze hasn’t bothered answering this question or hasn’t joined the forums.

And there is plenty to do at the MoD as for example our elite soldiers aren’t active any more. These soldiers are the Flying Dutchmen and our previous MoD started to reform them (http://www.enetherlands.nl/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=2727) but now they are inactive. Why isn’t anything done???

LSD is part of the coalition and they had a few ideas for the Defense Department, but nothing is done there(http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/the-libertarian-social-democrats-on-government1-954503/1/20).

The government is, and has been, aware of this for quite a while now but as one government member put it: The Ministerie of Defensie isn’t important right now. Well the constitution said otherwise and why does this position exist of the government believes that the generals can take care of everything? Why assign someone in the first place? Is it the fancy title or the position of power?

I hope the government and President will finally take some action and remove Vanouze from office because copy and pasting battle orders and make a small weekly news part isn’t an active minister. The UNL deserves more!!!