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[I&W] New Party President speaking

6 Day 757, 12:22 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Dear Iron&Wine members,

First of all I want to thank you for voting me. It was a good race against Capzilla, Thank you for being such a good opponent, I am pretty sure we can work together in the future!
As I announced in my previous article

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[I&W] New Party President

8 Day 755, 09:47 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Dear fellow party members,

Tonight we will be choosing a new Part President (PP). We are very lucky this time to have two great candidates that both bring a lot to the table. [url=

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[I&W] Update on the New Government

19 Day 742, 01:01 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

As you know i was assigned to be the “formatuer” of the new government because Iron & Wine is the biggest party in Congress. I had given myself a deadline of 3 days to get the … read more »

[I&W] Yesterday

6 Day 737, 07:55 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Yesterday was a black day for this country when several people got permanently banned. including Cocoamok, RessMe, Betha as well as several major companies owned by them. There is no chance of them getting unbanned because they did break the laws

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11 Day 735, 09:32 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

We have composed the list of our official candidates. Please vote only on our official candidates because the others were to late to withdraw their candidacy.

Check this article and the shouts of Mitch Rapp and the Iron and

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