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Mix of old I&W backup and new stuff

[I&W] Explanation

15 Day 733, 11:11 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Why did Iron & Wine do this? That is a question I get very often from even my own members.
This article is written to make our motives crystal clear.

We are accused of doing this to increase our power in the UNL. To answer this let … read more »

[I&W] Important Announcement

30 Day 731, 07:32 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Last Wednesday I told the PP’s of LSD, BP and GLD that I&W would again not be doing strategic voting in the coming congress election but that I would instead focus my efforts on the elections in Belgium. That is the sacrifice we were

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24 Day 729, 08:04 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Our President ThomasRed just started a vote in congress that is the most important vote we will ever have. The subject is if we agree with the PEACE charter or not. In reality the question is on if we are in PEACE or OUT OF PEACE.

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[I&W] Different Month, Same Party President!

13 Day 727, 07:24 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Different month, same Party President. I want to thank all of those people that voted for me. I am sure it was just because I blackmailed all the other candidates away. So it was either vote for Mitch Rapp or not get an Experience Point.

It was

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[I&W] Another Presidential Election

5 Day 714, 08:38 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Soon we have the Presidential Election and like last month Iron & Wine will NOT have a candidate. The reasons behind that decision is that still a lot of our fellow party members are tied down in Flanders and the political situation there.

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