[I&W] We Need You

Day 701, 02:37 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Kixtart

Another congress election is coming up which means it is time for Iron & Wine to show its strength once again. Last month we did great this month we will do amazing!!! In order to be amazing we are going to need everybody’s help again.


During the elections we will provide voting instructions by publishing suggestions in our newspaper (this one) so check it BEFORE voting. We will also have ads going on so check those BEFORE voting.

Are you the one Uncle Sam is pointing at? If yes you are the one that can make the difference!!! Please contact me, Mitch Rapp, if you want to help Iron & Wine and this country, by voting, or by running for congress in our behave.

We need everyone !!

Mitch Rapp
Party President I&W – The Active and Experienced Party