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Party Elections and a Confession

4 Day 757, 01:08 Published in Thailand Thailand

Party Elections

Party elections are over, and I have mixed feelings today.

In the PUP, we saw a landslide win of [url= … read more »

Buy everything

9 Day 752, 12:25 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

As we can now buy military strength with gold, I propose a few more improvements to this game:

1. Buy experience with gold

We know from RL that people with lots of money can buy themselves nice adventures and other

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Buy everything

3 Day 752, 12:23 Published in Thailand Thailand

As we can now buy military strength with gold, I propose a few more improvements to this game:

1. Buy experience with gold

We know from RL that people with lots of money can buy themselves nice adventures and other

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[Gov] Jobs for Malaysian refugees

4 Day 739, 00:22 Published in Thailand Thailand

As Indonesia has conquered Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia, we expect a number of Malaysian refugees in Thailand. Among other things, it is important to provide jobs. Particularly companies who have been employing Malaysian (now Indonesian) residents

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[Gov] B.A.D. Newsletter #2

2 Day 737, 17:09 Published in Thailand Thailand

A welcome to the new eThais!

Something has happened since my B.A.D. Newsletter #1: Thailand's population has increased by about 100 people! … read more »