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[TH]o LULZ proposals at the end of congress term

0 Day 732, 23:53 Published in Thailand Thailand

As we are approaching the end of the congress season, congressmen may use up their leftover proposals for the simple reason of experience gain. I am starting already today because want to take a day off from Thailand and go fighting for my iron mine

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[Gov] B.A.D. Newsletter #1

2 Day 726, 16:41 Published in Thailand Thailand

Welcome back, Thailand!

Now we have it back. Thailand is whole again. Why don't we cheer?
Did we want all these regions back? No, at least not yet ... because:

During the FRoSEA months, the economies of Malaysia and … read more »

[TH]o Don't quit your job!!!

4 Day 724, 03:14 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Dear residents of Malaysia,

now as Indonesia has conquered Southern Thailand and is going to return this region to Thailand along with all other original Thai regions, I need to say something that is important for the economies of both Malaysia

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[TH]n Business advice to managers of companies located in Southern Thailand

3 Day 723, 12:10 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

In less than 8 hours Southern Thailand will be Indonesian territory.

I advise managers of companies located in Southern Thailand to take care of their offers on the Malaysian market. Once the region is Indonesian, all products offered on the

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[Gov] Business advice to managers of companies located in Southern Thailand

4 Day 723, 12:08 Published in Thailand Thailand

In less than 8 hours Southern Thailand will be Indonesian territory.

I advise managers of companies located in Southern Thailand to take care of their offers on the Malaysian market. Once the region is Indonesian, all products offered on the

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