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[TH]c Lease my enterprise

2 Day 779, 16:53 Published in Thailand Thailand

One of the most challenging areas of eRepublik is running a company. When I started with Low Cost Tickets here in Thailand, I thought that it is nearly impossible to generate a positive cash flow from this company. This has changed. While one small

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Grateful / What next?

4 Day 778, 01:52 Published in Thailand Thailand

Dear citizens of eThailand, dear friends!

I want to thank you for your support in the previous days. It made me very happy to receive so many positive comments and this high level of trust in my abilities and good intentions. As far as I have

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Running for President

9 Day 771, 15:58 Published in Thailand Thailand

Dear citizens of Thailand!

As announced, I intend to run for President in the upcoming elections. This article is dedicated to my programme, and at first I want to say that it is not only my programme. Several Thai leaders have contributed

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Stop it

12 Day 768, 14:39 Published in Thailand Thailand

Law Proposals

The new congress is elected, and apparently we have a number of freshmen in our congress. We see unprepared law proposals every day, and I urge to stop this. Even if the proposal is serious and useful, please follow these … read more »

Funny Law Proposals / Serious Law Proposals

6 Day 762, 04:34 Published in Thailand Thailand

Dear congress members,

today I see 3 funny law proposals which should be voted down.

I want to remind all of you that we have to complete the tax reform. As long as not all tax laws are proposed and accepted according to [url=http://www.

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