[Gov] B.A.D. Newsletter #2

Day 737, 17:09 Published in Thailand New Zealand by Thingol
A welcome to the new eThais!

Something has happened since my B.A.D. Newsletter #1: Thailand's population has increased by about 100 people! We had less than 300 inhabitants, and today we have 380! Most of the new inhabitants are very young and have Thai citizenship, so we can call them our babies. Welcome, babies!

This has changed the situation on the labor market. Companies can now easier find the necessary employees, and a few new companies have been opened, too. Alas, the new companies are only Q1 and Q2, which are least efficient and thus not welcome. This will be explained in a later section. Okay, the Jedi companies produce for the Jedi's own demand which is a closed system and does not call for a comment from my side. But who needed The Dwarven Kitchen (Q2 food) and Xuwicha Gifts (Q1) on our markets? Another example is Nice Cheap Guns (Q1). What we need is high quality companies, not more of the same stuff that we already have running for ages.

Coming back to the babies, I believe that it is a little too early to cheer. We do not yet know how many will survive, how many will stay in Thailand, and how many have been created by individual players. In a few weeks we will see clearer and can rely on our then bigger economy.

Dear new eThais, please give us a sign of your activity and your plans by posting in our forum.

Dear company managers, please offer skill 0 jobs for our babies. I know that skill 0 employees are not profitable in many cases, but they grow up fast!


We have now 124 companies. (Source)
(The number of 82 mentioned in my last newsletter must have been incomplete, not taking into account all region changes from Malaysia to Thailand.)
380 residents / 124 companies = 3 employees per company!!!

One good thing is that many companies are inactive, and the other good thing is that Malaysian residents have for a bigger part kept their jobs at the Thai companies. The labor market in Malaysia does not offer great jobs at the moment, as many high ranked soldiers have moved to Malaysia, helping them in the war against Indonesia.

Most profitable products

This analysis covers manufacturing goods and houses, as these industries are best suited for Thailand.

Description of my research method (You may skip this part if you do not want to read the whole article)
I have collected today's fifth-cheapest world market prices for each product and the necessary raw material (fifth-cheapest because the cheapest offers sometimes are garbage) and calculated from this the maximum salaries of employees under the following conditions:
Company efficiency: on average one employee is missing, resulting in 9 for manufacturing and 19 for houses
Modification compared to the previous newsletter: Instead of a company profit I calculate now the capital cost (a mixture of the interest of a loan and the payback of the original investment).
Company profit: 0%
Capital cost: 15% per month on company set-up cost plus 1 export license

Skill/Wellness distribution: 1.25/45, 2.25/50, 3.25/55, 4.25/60, 5.25/70, 6.25/80, 7.25/90, 8.25/90, etc.
a) When hiring a skill 3 employee , he will more likely be at the beginning of skill 3 than at the end of skill 3.
b) Older employees with higher skills have a higher probability to keep their wellness high with war games or houses.)
Q2-Q5 moving tickets are useless and thus not evalutated.
Sales prices of Q2-Q5 gifts are adjusted to these of Q1 gifts.

I cannot post the complete Excel sheet here. I will only give an example for an employee with skill 5.25 and wellness 70. His break-even (and thus maximum) salaries in the investigated industries would be:

1. Q5 houses: 30.4 THB
2. Q4 houses: 24.8 THB
3. Q3 houses: 17.3 THB
4. Q5 weapons: 15.7 THB
5. Q4 weapons: 13.1 THB
6. Q5 foo😛 12.9 THB
7. Q4 foo😛 12.3 THB
8. Q2 houses and Q1 tickets: 11.1 THB
Q1-Q3 weapons: between 10.5 and 11 THB

The rest is below 10 THB. The worst industries are Q5, Q4, and Q3 gifts (simply not worth the high investment) and Q1 and Q2 food (too much competition). Tickets may be not as good as it looks according to today's numbers, because yesterday we had an election day which drives tickets prices higher than normal. Last time I made this evaluation, Q1 weapons were more profitable than tickets.

Company managers may request the complete numbers for their industry via PM.

I. Do not start a new company. Better team up with friends, purchase a company off the market, and upgrade it to at least Q3 (except tickets and gifts).
II. If you have a Q2 food company, upgrade it to Q3 asap.
III. If you have a Q3 weapons company, upgrade it to Q4 asap.
IV. As of today, houses are the best industry. But be careful with investing in house companies. The admins are planning to change something in the construction industries when introducing the new economic model.

Recommended export markets

Based on price level, import taxes, population, and my personal feeling of political stability I recommend today ...
Q2 houses: Portugal
tickets: Greece, Canada
foo😛 Ukraine
gifts: Germany, Uruguay

Other recommendations upon request!