Party Elections and a Confession

Day 757, 01:08 Published in Thailand New Zealand by Thingol
Party Elections

Party elections are over, and I have mixed feelings today.

In the PUP, we saw a landslide win of Travis Byrd over Callagan. Callagan was a good candidate, too, but I supported Travis, and I am happy with the result. Travis, now go ahead and bring your great ideas to life!

In the Jedi Party, Zanch lost by 2 votes. Unfortunately the party has been taken over by the Indonesian Arya Gunawan.

Jeff Hamilton tried a counter-attack on the Thai-Girl Party, which I thought to be a good move. Unfortunately it did not succeed. New party president is esbonbon.

Now losing a party is not a problem as big as losing congress elections. A new party can be created with a little gold, if necessary, and we still have the PUP. I think that we can win back the Jedi Party next time, and for the upcoming congress elections there will be a place in PUP for the Jedi who want to run. It is now up to Travis to make a suitable planning. Congress elections will be hard next time, so all of you please make sure that you cast your vote on the 25th.

A Confession

Many of you know that in the beginning I had not been a friend of the group of immigrants known as Jedi. The plain reason for this was that they tried to win the first elections and thus to make the rules in our country. Still I believe that someone who is new to a country must first acclimatize, prove to be a valuable member of the society, and get accepted by the elder before he is allowed to rule. Now some time has passed, and the Jedi's deeds have shown that they are indeed valuable members of our society. We fought against PTO attempts together, passed a few important laws, and we have entered a phase of political discussion that is healthy for our country. Nobody is always right with his ideas, and discussion improves the quality of political decisions. In particular I am happy with darden's two articles about the tax structure. Jedi, please keep speaking up in public!

Now I am going to confess something in public, too:

I have eaten Jedi food.

Maybe there there is something inside this food that's causing a brainwash? 😉