[Gov] Jobs for Malaysian refugees

Day 739, 00:22 Published in Thailand New Zealand by Thingol

As Indonesia has conquered Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia, we expect a number of Malaysian refugees in Thailand. Among other things, it is important to provide jobs. Particularly companies who have been employing Malaysian (now Indonesian) residents are required to offer them an opportunity to come back to the same job after moving to Thailand. And please treat them fair and give them the same salary they had before. The exchange rate MYR:THB is 15:14, hence the salary shall be 7% higher in THB than it was in MYR. Technically company managers should offer the jobs at low salaries first (to reserve these jobs for the Malaysian people) and then raise the salaries to this fair level.

From a purely economic perspective however, it would be better if the people did not leave Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia and simply kept their jobs, because if they move to Thailand now they will not be able to keep their jobs when moving back to Malaysia once the war is over.

Minister of Economy and B.A.D. ASS. S.H.I.T.