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Intervju s skofjoloko

48 Day 1,514, 17:15 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Za nekatere smatran kot utelešenje odličnega pisatelja, za druge prikaz človeške odprtosti, za preostale pa poznan predvsem po svojem gospodarskem udejstvovanju v tej igri. Skofjaloka si je v dveh letih, od kar igra to igro, zares ustvaril

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How am I feeling while writing an article

26 Day 1,514, 02:55 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

I am deciding whether to write an article or whether to just take a break, I decide to take the first option. I anxiously start writing, I make first few sentences, but I am not pleased with them, I decide to delete them, I start again and I'm not

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How to solve wife problems in eRepublik - cartoon

23 Day 1,513, 14:33 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

This story is based on a real life experience from one of the Slovenian players. How to solve your eRepublik problems with your wife.

Best regards,
Ice Killa aka Howly

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A moment in time that shook eRepublik - The cursed gold

66 Day 1,512, 17:35 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

The day is 629 of eRepublik and Hungary had just recently undergone an operation to find the missing Spanish gold, they did more than just that, they managed to buy the company where the whole Spanish treasury was located and it contained over 14k

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Romper's promise - cartoon

135 Day 1,511, 14:01 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

He made his promise, do not judge him! A cartoon about Romper.


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