How am I feeling while writing an article

Day 1,514, 02:55 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by Ice Killa

I am deciding whether to write an article or whether to just take a break, I decide to take the first option. I anxiously start writing, I make first few sentences, but I am not pleased with them, I decide to delete them, I start again and I'm not doing it right again. I take a break, I go to the bathroom and pour some water on my face to cool myself down. I go back and start doing it again, this time the music is turned on, I'm doing it correctly and even if the article may be about something else, I am at least doing it right this time. I am writing it, I am worth of writing it and no, I won't give up, I will continue doing it and let go of my mind, I will let go with the flow. Differences are just shown in my writing later on, we have a lot at stake, but in the current shape I am still being able to do it. I'm still looking up and I will continue writing this article, I have an idea to accomplish, we are the ones that can make it possible. Writing an article isn't for me, it's for you, to make you feel how it is to write an article. I'm giving all my love into the article, I share the feelings with it, I do it because I like to, I do it because I can and I must. Writing is my passion, writing is my goal, writing is your reward.

One may think that at this point I will again check what I wrote, that is correct guessing, I go back and see what I wrote, I quickly read it and continue my writing, I see that my idea is evolving quite well and to be where I want it to be. How old is this article at the current shape, quite young and I still won't give up on my work even if the skies get rough. I keep on watching forward, asking my head to let go with the flow, I need my space, I need my thinking to guide me through. I will be here for all there is needed, but only my mind can create brilliance, I myself am just a machine writing this, that's how one feels while writing an article. I know I am creating brilliance on paper, I know it may get read or it may turn to be a disappointment for me, but at the end I will be pleased with myself what I did for myself, I let go of my minds and I feel blessed now, blessed for sharing my thoughts to others. That's why I like writing, you can let go into your imaginary world and others will read it, while in normal conversations it is a mission impossible to do that, one will not understand you. I still won't give up on writing this article, I will continue sharing my ideas with you. I have an idea to fulfill, you are worth every second of the article, your attention. I'm giving all my hopes into this article and I still seek to make it better and improve it. My ideals make me who I am, make me write what I am writing, but that still means I have to continue with my idea in the later stages of writing this article.

To do some quality thinking, one is needed to go beyond his soul, into the world of unknown, where ideas get formed every few seconds. I once had to learn to master it, now I am excellent at it. Who I am, my writing says that. I still think that one is able to do better of at writing than at thinking, writing is sharing your ideals, while your thinking is the present shape and may be lost in just a matter of moments. People say that beauty is not everlasting so isn't the idea of what you will write, the articles where you are needed to think demand from you full concentration and that gives you an insight how I, or an individual felt for a few seconds of his life. We got this, we got this written on the paper, the shere power of an idea.

I advance on with my article, I still wonder what is needed to make it a masterpiece, I think, I think deeply into my mind, people do like wonder makers, people like those who explain their thinking into steps. But when I look into my eyes I regard my writing as an everyday thing, being original with what I do is almost a mission impossible. Although there are moments where being creative is just a matter of time, you are the one to create brilliance, that is the whole point of writing from my point of perspective. Giving up on you article while almost completing it is a foolish act. You must be aware that some individuals are interested what you wrote, like to think some when reading the article, the others aren't that kind. They prefer looking at pointless comics that even I do not prefer. Articles that make me think, that's the beauty of the humanity that is around us. Things that make you wonder and persuade different things, it is the most important thing and at the same time most underrated. Oh, how blinded we are. We must teach ourselves how to use the tools that are beside us. Who I am, who is he, he's a reader like you and I'm giving you all my inspiration and I'm still looking and thinking up what to express. I never gave up on my writing, I'm just letting go with the flow. We have a new life to learn. Thinking is subliminal and writing just expresses that, the more you think, the harder it is to be mentally able to start writing. Not being bother what you will write about, not giving a damn, that's the whole expression of enjoying what you make, what you create, your articles, your things that you share to others.

Writing is a thing that only one who has ever gone deep into his soul can understand.

Best regards,
Ice Killa aka Howly