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Interview with Thatcher

76 Day 1,503, 18:09 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

A renown tank who made his name into the living legends with his kindness, politeness and wise thinking, he keeps stating that even though he is a tanker he doesn't differ from other players, he even says that anyone can do the clicking and it does

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Zgodovina zavezništev in držav članic

31 Day 1,500, 16:09 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Nenehne vojne, izmenjave besed, prepiranja, to je to, kar te dni poznamo pod psevdonimom zavezništvo, v preteklosti to sicer ni bilo nič drugačno, je bila pa pot do ustanovitve zdajšnjega stanja, takšnega, kot ga poznamo, precej surova in

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Interview with 0rinda

42 Day 1,499, 18:53 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

He made his name famous when he stole the Slovenian treasury and later on left the moderators' team, he was hated and loved, but mostly hated, we are of course talking about 0rinda. In this interview he shared the origin of his name, what he thinks

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Tell me...what are you running from?

25 Day 1,498, 16:31 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

This is an article from skofjaloka, I have the feeling it can give us an insight how every man read more »

In nenadoma se je končalo

20 Day 1,497, 13:00 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Izjemen prodor Hrvaške preko srednjeevropskih držav, njihov napad na poljsko regijo, ki je bil sprva uspešen, vse se je končalo zgolj v hipu sekunde. Enkrat so tam, drugič jih več ni, razultat pa je bil lahko predvidljiv v določeni meri vse od zač

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