A moment in time that shook eRepublik - The cursed gold

Day 1,512, 17:35 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by Ice Killa

The day is 629 of eRepublik and Hungary had just recently undergone an operation to find the missing Spanish gold, they did more than just that, they managed to buy the company where the whole Spanish treasury was located and it contained over 14k gold. The story as it follows is somewhat like this. The Spaniards were convinced that this could have been a hack into their organization that later on enabled Hungarians to buy the company, but it turned out to be just as an amateurish Spanish mistake. The consequences for the mentioned were dire, they were in danger of getting deleted by the French and it turned out that later on just that happened. The main individual that caused this "revolutionary" find for the Hungarian side was Feherlofia Koppany.

Hungarians enjoying their moment of glory.

The Hungarians had been tracking the Spanish gold for months through the donation lists and found out that the gold simply vanished, but since that is impossible, they checked the possible solutions where Spanish side could have hidden their finances. It turned out the whole gold was stashed on a company that was being sold for just 35g. But we must be aware that at the time Feherlo wasn't sure whether the gold was located there, so he simply said just took the risk and won. He won 14 000 gold, an impressive sum of money. Later on that gold played a crucial part in the attack on the American homeland. Americans were at some point in the game left only with Florida and as such, Russia wanted to finish it once and for all, but the problem arose with the price of the attack that was an overwhelming 10k gold. Even though that initially the idea of an attack was supported by PEACE, they decided not to launch it and keep on collecting the needed gold, it turned out that Florida was the turning point of the war. In the next weeks USA was almost completely liberated via resistance wars.

This is although just the beginning of the story about the cursed gold. Since the company was located in France Feherlofia simply clicked collect. France had the highest income tax, which was at the time 50%, half of the gold was simply handed to the French. The rest, about 7k gold, went to the Hungarian bank. We must be aware though that the gold got split between the factions, although it didn't go as smooth as expected and there were loads of quarrels that endangered the stability of PEACE. France supposedly kept her part of the gold due to the stupidity of the Hungarian "founder", while Hungary pretty much used the newly acquired stock of cash to enforce her position as a global superpower. To this day it is still unknown which countries received gold and how much - except the French and Hungarian side.

What followed was the attack on the USA. The Spanish gold had an important role in the Hungarian battles versus the USA in Canada.

Some say Hungarians had a spy, some blame them for hacking, but at the end their ingenuity proved to be decisive. They were at the time regarded as a top 2 superpower in eRepublik and with the mentioned action just proved that. After the "fair steal", if I may call it like that, Hungarians together with their allies attacked Americans and even held some regions in Canada but were months later beaten by the "natives". To this day this action remains one of the biggest successes for Huns, while it can be regarded as a complete fail for the Spanish side.

Best regards,
Ice Killa aka Howly