New Forums!

Day 485, 04:10 Published in Australia Australia by patti11

I realised an article hadn't been released announcing our new forums so I guess its gotta be me 😉
The old forums at have now been moved to and its subsequent forum

Reasons for move

The old forums were created by Raxo, who disappeared literally weeks after the site was created leaving us with very limited permissions. We did the best with what we could, but once our forums and population reached the size it was it was getting very impractical to continue. So Cottus Arci our previous Prime Minister took the initiative to buy the domain name. Promises of donations to help pay for the site came through and special thanks goes out taytaz who donated half of the cost, Cheers mate

New Features

On the main site @ starting content is the nations official IRC chat room in a java applet for easy access, links to documents important to Australians including the first contract with Indonesia. Most importantly is the link to the new forums. These are currently a work in progress, yet everybody should sign up here. The difference in the forums won't be clear to many users at first, but it is a lot easier for the backroom staff to work on it then the last forum.
On these new forums, party areas will be hosted at party presidents requests. This will enable a lot more people to contribute to their respectable party. To gain access to the party post in the suitable party thread here.

Many more features are set to come when the eAPI is released including a fully functionable
automated casino!

Remember, if you plan to get far in this game and want to make the most of it it is essential you sign up onto the forums.

That link again is

Thanks for reading vote and subscribe.

Deputy Prime Minister
Minister of Defence