10 Signs Your Addicted to eRepublik!

Day 496, 04:52 Published in Australia Australia by patti11

1. You wake up thinking about eRepublik

2. You think about eRepublik at times during work/school

3. You have to refrain yourself from saying'in RL' in everyday speech

4. Your podcasts library contains more than 1 eRepublik podcast

5. You forget to eat because eRepublik does it for you

6. You think Romania and Indonesia are the superpowers of the world

7. You see a wall and calculate how many damage points you need to bring it down

8. You go to Woolworths to look for Q4 food only to be disappointed its all been sold out

9. You regularly scan the papers looking for ATLANTIS and PEACE updates

10. You ask your boss to remove trivia from your work so working becomes easier

Hope you all enjoyed it! Felt I needed to let some laughter out before my CP campaign begins. Its all going to be sooper serius after this 😉

P.S. Add other signs your addicted to eRepublik in the commentsI'd love to hear em!

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