My Party President Bid- Patti11

Day 479, 17:04 Published in Australia Australia by patti11

ADSP members! As the time dawns on us to choose a new Party President I want to convince you why I am the most suitable choice to lead our party for the next month.

I have been with the party ever since its creation way back in December and I think it is fair to say Democratic Socialism runs through my eVeins. However, I think anyone who votes for someone based purely on this fact is quite naive. The plans and ideas a party president candidate puts forward and whether he/she has the experience to implement these plans should be the factors to get your valued vote.

So what are my plans?

When you party is the most prosperous party in Australia it is hard to improve much. However, I have some ideas which will hopefully make the ADSP even stronger. As the old guard of the party starts to leave we need to be training up potential leaders, for the party and for the country. Therefore, implementing a system where new players can ask questions to the old guard and where the oldies can teach these new players aspects of the game are extremely vital. However, all this cannot be down with an active forum.

I plan to increase the activity on the ADSP forums whether that be by promoting it in game intensely or moving it to the new eAustralia website. An active forum means an active party and this is where new ideas and policies will form. Without a forum, parties die (glances over at AAA).

What experience do I have to implement these plans?

I have held various ministry positions in me eLife including Minister of Industry, Finance (now Treasurer) and presently Minister of Defence and deputy Prime Minister. I have also been a senator twice (one officially, one unofficially due to a bug). However, my experiences spread further than the realm of politics. I am a current member of the Dropbears (which I will resign if I gain this position) and a General Manager of B-T Industries which provides the only Q4 food to citizens. I believe all these roles have given me a wide knowledge of the game to implement my plans and to continue the ADSP prosperity.

So my ADSP comrades when you go to vote tomorrow consider who you want as your party leader. Current candidates are myself patti11, Trine and Aaron Camm both of who are not unheard of citizens.

Thank you for you time and consider voting for me tomorrow,